Church Inclusive: Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany 6 February 2022

Dear Franciscans

This past week there were a couple of news items about schools which were so poorly maintained that school children had to be taught outside under a tree…….assuming of course that there was a teacher and some books available.   In the Children’s Bill of Rights in our Constitution, it is the right of all children to be given a good education. Surely, part of the measure of any government across the world is how they treat the children in their country?!

Jesus saw children as both manifestations of and custodians of the Kingdom of Heaven.  Those who fail to honour this trust given to them of caring for the wellbeing (be it mental, emotional, physical or spiritual) of any and every child is surely blaspheming against God.  May our lives reflect a habitual honouring and valuing of children in our midst and beyond.   

Love and Grace,


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